Leticia Pinto-Alva

I am a phD student at the University of Southern California, advised by Prof. Jesse Thomason. Before that, I was a visiting student at vislang@ the Universiy of Virginia, where I was advised by Prof. Vicente Ordóñez. I did my master in Computer Science at San Pablo Catholic University, advised by Prof. Edward Cayllahua. Previously, I received my bachelor's degree in Computer Science from National University of Engineering. My research interests are in computer vision, natural language processing, and machine learning.

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Boundary_png Chair Segments: A Compact Benchmark for the Study of Object Segmentation
Leticia Pinto-Alva,Ian K. Torres, Rosangel Garcia, Ziyan Yang, Vicente Ordonez.
[code] [arxiv]
Arxiv, 2021
Boundary_png Using Visual Feature Space as a Pivot Across Languages
Ziyan Yang,Leticia Pinto-Alva, Franck Dernoncourt, Vicente Ordonez. Findings of Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Findings of EMNLP 2020. short. Accepted September 2020. [project page] [code]
Boundary_png An Iterated Semi-Greedy Algorithm for the 0-1 Quadratic Knapsack Problem
Leticia Pinto-Alva, Alexander J. Benavides,
CLAIO 2018: XIX Latin-Iberoamerican conference on operations research.
Academic Service
Volunteer, NAACL 2022
Reviewer, COLING 2022
Reviewer, WACV 2021
Reviewer, EMNLP 2021
Reviewer, WACV 2020

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